Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 22...Yoga X

Hello! It is an absolutely beautiful day outside...the first time this year I was able to wear shorts comfortably and do some yard work. Unfortunately I also had to clean the gutters which is gross. Nonetheless, our yard looks nice again and I received my first sunburn of the year...yayy

Today I started my recovery week with Yoga X and I really felt good after this session. No major hiccups during the Warriors and I even grit my teeth through most of the Right Angle Poses...but the Half Moons, twisting half moons, and crane still elude my abilities. Those moves are the hardest in the entire workout so once I am able to do those cleanly, I will pat myself on the back and tell you guys how happy I will be...but that won't be any time soon. With Yoga it's about small inch further on a stretch, 5 seconds longer on a hold, breathing through the fire pain in my quads, ATTEMPTING the Crane, etc. It will be a great day when I can complete Yoga X cleanly...just like it will be a great day to complete all 340 reps of Ab Ripper. 

Today's Meals

Breakfast: Cheese Scrambler with turkey bacon, juice, coffee black.
Snack: Protein Shake (Whey, Skim Milk, Berries)
Lunch: Lean Sirloin Burger on the grill!!!! Awesome! It was on a wheat bun with low fat cheese, ketchup, mustard, and served with peas. I haven't had a burger since before I started the nutrition plan so this was delicious!
Snack: Accelerade
Dinner: Tuna or Turkey sandwich...I haven't decided yet.

So tomorrow is Core Synergistics and I'm ready to Superman Banana like there's no tomorrow! It's exciting to do a new workout and I will keep you posted. Later!

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