Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 27...Yoga X

Phase 1...complete!

I am very happy to have come this far...P90X is definitely one of the most challenging things I have ever done and with Phase 1 completed I can step back and admire the fact that I've come this far. But being 1/3 of the way is no real victory, so come Friday it is back to the grind. 

Today I had one hell of a trying day at work. I had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn for inventory, deal with a shit load of customer complaints, and deal with the stress of my first real wedding planning snag. Basically the cake place told us that they over booked for on our wedding day so they would not be able to deliver it. You would think that a place that SPECIALIZES in a particular wedding service would be able to pull their heads out of their asses to make a customer happy...but I guess I thought wrong. 

So after such a shit day it was great to come home, lock myself in my room, forget about the outside world for an hour and a half, and whip out some Vinyasa's and Downward Dogs. The first half an hour went better than any previous but I still struggled with the Right Angle Poses and Half Moons. One day I will overcome the challenge but they are so hard on the quads. I actually performed the Crane a little bit today...I figure that if I keep trying it I will eventually be able to hold it for 4 seconds. I loved the fact that during my Corpse pose as I was breathing deeply, the lovely smell of spaghetti and garlic bread was wafting into the room. Perfect timing after my workout! 

Today's Meals

Breakfast: Wheat Bagel with peanut butter
Snack: String Cheese
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich
Snack: Accelerade
Dinner: Wheat Spaghetti with Tomato Basil sauce and garlic bread...wonderful dinner!

So that's that! Tomorrow I will take my Phase 1 pictures and post my Phase 1 Recap...I may even post a video if I'm feeling sprite. Have a good night!  

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